Add Crypto Addresses

Modified on: Tue, 18 Jun, 2024 at 11:20 PM

You can add receiving addresses for a variety of supported cryptocurrencies to your domain for receiving payments via your domain. For example, you may add a BTC address to your domain, then someone can use a supported wallet to send you BTC by entering your domain name as the recipient address. This simplifies cryptocurrency transactions by replacing the usual long addresses containing various characters.

You are able to add crypto addresses that are associated with the wallet holding your domain or addresses for other wallets you own where you would like to receive the funds. You may wish to add addresses different from the wallet holding your domain to receive different tokens such as SOL or BTC for example which would not be able to be received in the Ethereum-based wallet holding your domain. 

By default after claiming the domain to your own wallet, the eth and matic addresses are filled in to match the wallet you have claimed your domain to. However, these addresses can be changed to something different if you would like. 

Adding Addresses

  1. Go to My Domains.

  2. Click on "Manage" next to the domain you want to add addresses to.

  3. Add your cryptocurrency addresses in the correct field. You can also click Add Currency and search for a token that's not appearing on the default list.

  4. After adding the addresses, click on Confirm Changes at the bottom of the page and sign the transaction when prompted in your wallet.

  5. Changes will be published to the blockchain. This can take up to 10 minutes. You won't be able to make additional changes to the domain until this transaction appears as Completed on the Transactions page.

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