How to Submit a Refund Request?

Modified on: Fri, 23 Aug, 2024 at 11:08 PM

Please see our Am I Eligible for a Refund guide to confirm whether a domain is eligible for a refund. If it is eligible, you will need to email with the following information:

  1. The domain(s) you would like to be refunded, so we can check their eligibility.
  2. The reason you are asking for a refund.
  3. If it applies, please specify if you would prefer a refund as store credit that you may use to purchase alternative domains or products on our website, or if you would like to be refunded to the original payment method.

We also need to verify it's really you who purchased the domain(s) and is requesting the refund via one of the following methods:

  1. If paid using a credit/debit card, please provide the last 4 digits of the card used for this purchase.
  2. If paid using PayPal, please provide the invoicing ID issued by PayPal starting with "UD-".
  3. If paid using crypto, please provide the transaction hash and your wallet address where you would like to receive your refund. Please note the refund will be issued in USDC (ERC-20).
  4. If paid using, please send a screenshot of the transaction.


Please note that .eth and .com domains are non-refundable. More information in regard to our refund policy can be found in our Terms of Use.

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