Which Cryptocurrencies are Supported?

Modified on: Wed, 12 Mar, 2025 at 1:06 PM

Our domains support over 200 main-chain coins and thousands of tokens from multiple chains. The supported tokens include networks like Ethereum Classic and ERC20, Binance Chain (BEP2 & BEP20), Polygon, and Solana.

List of Supported Cryptocurrency Coins and Tokens

Jump to: 0–9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | YZ

Note: Coins and/or tokens supported on multiple chains have their respective chains after their ticker (e.g. Aave | ERC-20)


0x Protocol Zrx
1inch 1inch | ERC-20, BEP-20, Matic, HRC-20


Aave Aave | ERC-20, Fantom, Heco, HRC-20, Matic

ADA - Cardano

Aergo Aergo
Aeternity Ae
Agix Agix

Akash Network Akt

Alchemix Alcx
Alchemix USD AlUSD
Algorand Algo
Alien Worlds Tlm
Alpha Venture DAO Alpha | BEP-20, ERC-20
Amp Amp
Ampleforth Ampl
Anchor Protocol Anc
Ankr Ankr

Aptos APT

Aragon Ant
Ardor Ardr
Ark Ark
Arweave AR
AscendEx Asd
Audius Audio
Audius Audio
Augur Rep
Avalanche Avax
Axie Infinity Axs


BakerySwap Bake | BEP-20, HRC-20
Balancer Bal
Bancor Network Bnt
Band Protocol Band | ERC-20, Fantom
Basic Attention BAT
Beam Beam

Binanace Coin Bnb

Binance USD Busd | BEP-20, ERC-20, HRC-20
Bit2Me B2M
Bitcoin Btc
Bitcoin Diamond Bcd
Bitcoin Cash Bch
Bitcoin Diamond Bcd
Bitcoin Gold Btg
Bitcoin SV Bsv
Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Token Btcst
BitTorrent Btt
Blocks Blocks
Bounty0x Bnty

Burst Burst


Casper Network Cspr
Cartesi Ctsi | BEP-20, ERC-20, Matic
cDAI Cdai
Celsius Network CEL | ERC-20, Fantom, HRC-20, Matic
Celo Celo
Celer Network Celr
cETH Ceth
Chainlink Link
Chia Xch
Chiliz Chz
Civic Cvc
Compound Comp
Cosmos Atom
Conflux Cfx
Cronos Cro
cUNI Cuni
Curve DAO Crv | ERC-20, Fantom, Matic


Dai Dai
Dash Dash
Decentraland MANA | ERC-20, Matic

Decentralized Social DESO
Decred Dcr

DeFi Pulse Index DPI | ERC-20, Matic
Dent Dent
DigiByte Dgb
DODO Dodo | BEP-20, ERC-20
The Doge NFT Dog
Dogecoin Doge


e-Radix Exrd
Ecash Xec
Ecomi Omi
Electroneum Etn
Elrond Egld
Elastos Ela | HRC
Energy Web Ewt
Enjin Coin Enj
Equal Eql
Ergo Erg
Ethereum Classic Etc
Ethereum Eth
Everipedia IQ | BEP-20, ERC-20, Matic


Fabric Fab
Fantom Ftm | BEP-2, ERC-20, Opera

Farmsent FARMS

FEG BSC (Old) FEG | ERC-20, HRC-20
Fei USD Fei
Fetch.ai Fet | ERC-20, FETCHAI
Filecoin Fil
Firo Firo

Flair Flr

Flow Flow
FunToken Fun
Fuse Fuse | ERC-20, FUSE


Gapcoin Gap
Gas Gas
Gate Gt

Gather Gth

Gemini Dollar Gusd
Gitcoin Gtc

GivingToServices SVCS

Gnosis GNO
Golem Glm
Groestlcoin Grs

GuapCoin Guap


Harmony One
Haven xhv
Hedera Hbar
Helium Hnt
Hive Hive

HI ERC-20, BEP-20

Holo Hot | ERC-20, HRC-20
Horizen Zen
Huobi BTC Hbtc | ERC-20, Heco
Huobi Token Ht
Hxro Token Hxro
Hybrid Bank Cash Hbc
Hydra Hydra


iExec RLC Rlc
Injective Inj | BEP-20, ERC-20
Internet Computer Icp
Internet of Service Token Iost
IOTA Miota
IoTeX Iotx

IQ.Cash IQ | BEP-20


KardiaChain KAI
Kava Kava 
Keep Network Keep | ERC-20, HRC-20


Klaytn Klay
Klever Klv
Komodo Kmd
KuCoin Kcs
Kusama KSM
Kyber Network Crystal Legacy Kncl | ERC-20, Fantom, HRC-20


Lend Lend
LEO Token Leo
Lido Staked Ether Steth
Liquidity USD Lusd | ERC-20, Matic
Lisk Lsk
Litecoin Ltc
Livepeer Lpt | ERC-20, HRC-20
LockTrip Loc
Loopring Lrc


MaidCoin $MAID
Maker MKR
Math Math

MContent MContent

Mdex Mdx | BEP-20, Heco
Medibloc Med
Metadium Meta
Metal Mtl
Mina Protocol Mina
Mirror Protocol Mir | BEP-20, ERC-20
Mobix Mobx
Monavale Mona
Monero XMR
Moon Moon
mStable Governance: Meta Mta


Nano Xno
Near Protocol Near
Neblio Nebl
Nem Xem
Neo Neo
Nervos Network Ckb
Neutrino USD USDn
Nexus Mutual Nxm
Nexo Nexo | ERC-20, Fantom
Nimiq Nim
Nkn Nkn
Nominex Nmx
NuCypher Nu
Numeraire Nmr


Ocean Protocol Ocean
Okb Okb
Okc Token Okt
Omg Network Omg
Ontology Gas Ong
Ontology Ont
Orbs Orbs
Orchid Protocol Oxt
Origin Protocol Ogn
Orion Protocol Orn
Oxygen Oxy | ERC-20, Sol


PancakeSwap Cake | BEP-20, HRC-20
Pax Dollar USDp
Pax Gold Paxg | ERC-20, HRC-20
Paxos Standard Token Pax
Perpetual Protocol Perp
Persistence Xprt
Phala Network Pha

Pirate Coin Arrr

Pocket Network Pokt

Polkadot Dot
Polygon Matic | BEP-20, ERC-20, Matic
Polymath Poly
Primecoin Xpm
Prom Prom
Pundi X Pundix

Pundi X (Old) Npxs


Quant Qnt
Qtum Qtum


Ravencoin Rvn
Raydium Ray
Reef Reef | BEP-20, ERC-20, HRC-20
Ren Ren | ERC-20, HRC-20
renBTC renbtc | BEP-20, ERC-20, HRC-20
Reserve Rights Rsr
Rocket Pool Rpl
RSK Infrastructure Framework Rif


SafeMoon Safemoon | BEP-20, HRC-20

Scala Xla

Serum Srm | ERC-20, Sol
sETH Seth
sEUR seur
Shabu Shabu Finance Kobe
Shiba Inu Shib | ERC-20, Fantom, Matic
Sierracoin Sierra
Signum Signa
Silvercoin Sc
Skale Skl
SmartCash Smart
Solana Sol
Solar Sxp | BEP-20, ERC-20, HRC-20

Songbird Sgb | Flair Network

Stacks Stx
Status Snt
Stealth Xst
Steem Steem
Stellar Xlm
Storj Storj | ERC-20, HRC-20
StormX Stmx
Stratis Strax
sUSD Susd | ERC-20, Fantom
Sushi Sushi | BEP-20, ERC-20, Fantom, HRC-20, Matic
Switcheo Swth
Sweatcoin Sweat | ERC-20
SwissBorg Chsb
Synthetix Network Snx | ERC-20, Fantom, Matic, Heco, HRC-20


Telcoin Tel | ERC-20, Matic
Telos Tlos
Tenset 10SET
Terra Luna
TerraUSD Ust | ERC-20

Tether Usdt | Eos, ERC-20, Omni, Okc, Tron

Tether Gold Xaut

Tezos Xtz
The Graph Grt | ERC-20, HRC-20, Matic
The Sandbox Sand | ERC-20, HRC-20
Theta Fuel Tfuel
Theta Network Theta
Thether Gold Xaut
ThorChain Rune | BEP-2
TitanSwap Titan
TokenPay Tpay
Toko Token Toko
TonCoin Ton

Travala.com Ava

Tribe Tribe
Tron Trx
TrueUSD Tusd | Avax, BEP-2, BEP-20, ERC-20, HRC-20, Tron
Trust Wallet Twt


Ubiq Ubq
Ultra Uos

Ultra SalesCloud Ust

Uma Uma
Unibright Ubt | ERC-20, MATIC
Uniswap Uni | BEP-20, ERC-20, Heco, HRC-20, Matic, Xdai
Uquid Coin Uqc
Usd Coin Usdc


V.Systems Vsys
VeChain Vet
Venus Xvs
Verge Xvg
Velas Vlx

Verse Verse

VeThor Token Vtho
Voyager Token VGX


Wanchain Wan
Waves Waves
Wax Waxp
WazirX Wrx | BEP-2, Matic

WenWen Usdn Usdn

WinkLink WIN
Wrapped Bitcoin Wbtc | ERC-20, Fantom, HRC-20, Matic, Xdai
Woo Network Woo | ERC-20, HRC-20


Xdc Network Xdc
Xrp Xrp
xSUSHI Xsushi


Ycash Yec
Yearn.finance Yfi
Yield App Yld


Zcash Zec

Zcoin Xzc

Zilliqa Zil

Zipmex Zmt

ZkSpace Zks

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