Redirect to Traditional/Web2 Domain

Modified on: Thu, 6 Jul, 2023 at 3:17 PM

Your domain may have an IPFS hash already assigned when it is created. This redirects to your profile. You will need to remove this before redirecting your domain to a Web2 domain.

To start, click manage next to your domain from the my domains page.

Now click website.

On this page click remove. You will need to sign a transaction with your wallet and wait for the transaction to go through.

Redirecting your domain will allow you to use your Web3 domain to point to a Web2 domain. For example, you could have apple.crypto redirect to

You will need to create a HTML file to redirect your domain.

Creating the HTML file on Windows

If you are on Windows, you can use the Notepad application to create your file.

Open Notepad, paste the below code into the window and change to your own website.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "1; url =" />

Once you have the code entered into Notepad go to File, and then Save As

Now enter "index.html" (without quotes) as the filename and change the Save as type to All Files.

Creating the HTML file on MacOS

Open the TextEdit app on your machine and click File and then New at the top of the screen.

Now, at the top of the screen, click Format and then Make Plain Text

Paste the below code into the window and change to your own website.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "1; url =" />

Now click File at the top of the screen and click Save.

In Save As enter "index.html" (without quotes).

Press Save and then Use .html.

Uploading the HTML file to your domain

Now you have your index.html file saved, click manage next to your domain from the my domains page.

Now click website.

On this page, select Upload website files to IPFS by clicking Upload Website Files.

Drag your files into the window or click Upload to navigate to your HTML file.

Press Launch Website and sign a transaction with your wallet.

Once the transaction is confirmed your Web3 domain will now redirect to your chosen site.

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