What is "Connect Wallet" Login Option?

Modified on: Wed, 24 May, 2023 at 10:21 AM

In keeping with Web3, we have introduced the ability to sign in and create an Unstoppable Domains account using only a wallet. Many people in web3 prefer their wallet to be the primary way to manage their accounts, instead of using the traditional email address/password combination. Due to the underlying cryptography of blockchain technology, wallet login also enables greater security for your account.

Please be aware that this method creates a new UD account. If you already have a UD account created using an email address, you will need to log into that account and connect the wallet to it instead as shown here.

The process is simple!

  1. Simply go to the sign in page.

  2. Select "Connect Wallet" option by selecting the wallet icon.

  1. Choose the wallet you would like to use for signing in.

  1. Action the signature with your usual wallet method.

  2. You’re done!

Why would you want to use your wallet to login?

Wallet login allows a user to avoid sharing any personal/contactable information. Many applications in Web3 offer the ability to login with a wallet and doing so allows users to universalize their login identity. It also allows you to take advantage of the security benefits provided by cryptography and removes the need to enter an email address and password in favour of just a few clicks.

What wallets are compatible?

Since the wallet you use for login will also be used for claiming and managing domains, it is recommended to only use a wallet from our compatibility list.

Will logging into unstoppable domains with my wallet reveal my real identity?

No. Wallet login will only reveal your wallet's public address to our website.

I bought my domains using a traditional email login, how can I transfer them so I can log in with my wallet?

If you haven't already, you can login to your account using your email address/password and claim your domains to a wallet. Once claimed, please go under Account, Account Settings to remove your wallet from this email/password UD account. Then, you can proceed to login to Unstoppable Domains using the same wallet and manage all of your wallets there.

What happens if I lose access to the wallet holding my domains?

Due to the blockchain being decentralized, it is the wallet owner's responsibility to ensure it is kept safe and personal access is maintained. You should keep a backup of the recovery phrase and never expose them to anyone. Furthermore, one must exercise caution when connecting a wallet to other applications/websites outside of Unstoppable Domains - only connect your wallet to trusted applications!

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