How to Connect and Claim to an Enkrypt Wallet

Modified on: Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 4:51 PM

Note: MEW wallets are not integrated with our platform and are now Enkrypt Wallets.

Step 1: How to Create an Enkrypt Wallet

Step 2: Add the Enkrypt Wallet to Your Account

Step 3: Claim A Domain to Enkrypt Wallet

Step 1: How to Create an Enkrypt Wallet

  1. Download the Enkrypt Wallet browser extension
  2. Click Create a new wallet > create a password > Next > confirm password > Next
  3. Copy and save the seed phrase > Next > confirm seed phrase > Next > Finish
Important: keep the seed phrase and password safe and secure

Step 2: Add the Enkrypt Wallet to Your Account

  1. Log into your Unstoppable account and Enkrypt Wallet
  2. FromClick on Account in the top-right, from the dropdown select Account Settings
  3. On Account Settings page, click on +Add Wallet
  4. From the popup, Show more options > select Enkrypt > verify 2FA by email/authenticator
  5. When prompted, click Connect > Sign the transaction

Step 3: Claim a Domain to Enkrypt Wallet

  1. Go to your My Domains page
  2. Click on Claim / Unstoppable Vault next to the domain click Claim into your wallet
  3. Select the Phantom Wallet address check I Understand > click Confirm > Verify 2FA
  4. can track progress, which typically takes about 10 minutes.

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